It's been a hot week here.....VERY HOT!!!! We've seen 113 - 118 degree weather all week and to make matters worse....our van's a/c broke!!!!! The last thing you'd think I would be doing is cooking, but I am. I never have enough time to cook in the afternoons during the school week. I always think "I can't wait for the weekend when I can have time to cook/bake" but it never materializes. I get excited to not have a normal schedule and I ditch the kitchen. I guess without a way to leave the house (remember the van without a/c) I'm stuck indoors and decided to cook. I'm currently baking chicken drumsticks that were covered in seasoned breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese. I also threw 6 drumsticks in a stockpot and covered with water.
It's boiling on my stove top and is the beginning of a chicken noodle soup to be enjoyed this evening and maybe tomorrow. I even browned up some pork country style spare ribs and placed them in a baking dish. They're in the fridge waiting for their sauce and to be placed in a low heat oven tomorrow morning. Can't wait to come home and enjoy them for lunch over some rice.
Presenting today's lunch:Baked Drumsticks with Mashed Potato Pancakes or just mashed potatoes (ok...maybe I'm the only one who will enjoy the pancakes since the boys made faces.)
Sorry I didn't take a photo of the beautifully browned potato pancakes...they were so good! Tony and I were the only ones who ate them. The chicken turned out nice and moist....delish!!!!! Now if I could just find my air pop popper I could make some cinnamon bun popcorn or some peanut butter and honey popcorn.